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Category: GOOD TO KNOW
What does the color of our tongue warn us about?
23. MAR 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 169
What does the color of our tongue warn us about?
The tongue is actually the strongest muscle in our body, so it's very important to pay attention to its color. The color tells us more than we think...
7 Combinations to Switch Your Body from Winter Mode to Summer Mode
21. MAR 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 188
7 Combinations to Switch Your Body from Winter Mode to Summer Mode
During winter, the body needs a completely different type of energy compared to summer, and during the spring transition between these modes, pesky illnesses often arise. Avoid them!
Foods with Less than 10 Calories
19. MAR 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 141
Foods with Less than 10 Calories
Even if you don't count the calorie content of everything you eat, you know it's very important. It determines whether you lose weight or gain it. But that's not all ...
How to curb your appetite?
16. MAR 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 166
How to curb your appetite?
Nutritionists have gathered some tips to protect us from excess weight and many diseases.
Why do we love processed food?
12. MAR 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 155
Why do we love processed food?
We know that industrially processed food is considered harmful, yet we still love it because it tastes so good. Hm ...
You should know this about noodles, pasta, and sausages
11. MAR 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 174
You should know this about noodles, pasta, and sausages
More and more nutritionists are joining the initiative to ban or at least limit the consumption of these foods. Do you know why?
Humanity will soon have to change its diet
10. MAR 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 168
Humanity will soon have to change its diet
Trends indicate that in 30 years, healthy food will only be available to the wealthy. This will be a feast for producers and merchants but a horror for medicine.
Goodbye to Fat Around the Belly and Hips
9. MAR 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 149
Goodbye to Fat Around the Belly and Hips
3 Ripped Tips on Getting Rid of Fat Deposits in the Most Dangerous Part of the Mission.
5 Biggest Fat Melting Foods
8. MAR 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 136
5 Biggest Fat Melting Foods
We present to you 5 foods that effectively melt fat, especially around the belly, and they are healthy too. Plus, the rule of thumb with these foods is: the more you eat, the more calories you burn.
Shortcut to a Flat Stomach
7. MAR 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 151
Shortcut to a Flat Stomach
If you're bothered by excess belly fat and would like to get rid of it effortlessly, then try doing this ...
What happens if you eat 6 prunes every day?
6. MAR 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 141
What happens if you eat 6 prunes every day?
Prunes are incredibly healthy for digestion and have a bunch of other healing effects. We often consider prunes as inferior fruit, although they are not.
Food that Might Soon Disappear Due to Climate Change
5. MAR 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 151
Food that Might Soon Disappear Due to Climate Change
Humanity is not fully aware of how perishable some foods are. Due to changing climate conditions, we are facing potential shortages of several foods.
Which vitamin is number one?
4. MAR 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 131
Which vitamin is number one?
Deficiency of this vitamin is found in people who are thin and in people who drink a lot. Do you know what it is?
Can you listen to your body?
3. MAR 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 121
Can you listen to your body?
8 things your body tells you but you don't pay attention to. Hmm ...
Combinations That Are Bad for Digestion
2. MAR 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 103
Combinations That Are Bad for Digestion
You eat healthily, yet you're still bloated, plagued by gas, abdominal cramps, irregular bowel movements? Perhaps wrong combinations are to blame.

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