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3 things you would never put on the grill, but should
11. JUL 24 - INTERESTING - 103
3 things you would never put on the grill, but should
We present to you dishes that are almost better grilled than raw - and they're healthy too.
How to Eat Ice Cream and Lose Weight
11. JUL 24 - INTERESTING - 100
How to Eat Ice Cream and Lose Weight
The best summer diet is the cold-sweet diet. It's not hard. You'll love it.
Iodine is the most important mineral in the summer. Why?
10. JUL 24 - INTERESTING - 208
Iodine is the most important mineral in the summer. Why?
Iodine is responsible for many processes in our body, especially for the functioning of the thyroid gland, so we must never lack it.
A Trick for Those Who Can't Sleep Because of the Heat
8. JUL 24 - INTERESTING - 118
A Trick for Those Who Can't Sleep Because of the Heat
The quality of sleep greatly affects health, mood, productivity... So, in these hot days, use this simple trick.
10 Foods to Limit During Summer
8. JUL 24 - INTERESTING - 96
10 Foods to Limit During Summer
There are certain foods that retain water in the body and disrupt the balance of salt and other minerals.
Now is the perfect time for the diet of all diets
6. JUL 24 - INTERESTING - 130
Now is the perfect time for the diet of all diets
Nutritionists around the world agree that the best diet of all is the Mediterranean diet.
7 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Strawberries and Blueberries
6. JUL 24 - INTERESTING - 88
7 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Strawberries and Blueberries
Now is the peak season for berries, and fresh fruit has the most nutritional power. Read on to discover why you should eat a cup of berries every day.
Foods to Avoid Eating in the Heat
5. JUL 24 - INTERESTING - 108
Foods to Avoid Eating in the Heat
Summer heat can be hazardous to your health, especially if you eat foods that cause more problems than benefits to your body.
5 Carcinogenic Foods We Eat Every Day
4. JUL 24 - INTERESTING - 209
5 Carcinogenic Foods We Eat Every Day
Every year, millions of people are diagnosed with cancer, but this traumatic experience can be successfully avoided with some caution in our diet.
Juice that is better cooked than raw
3. JUL 24 - INTERESTING - 114
Juice that is better cooked than raw
This juice is full of antioxidants, lowers bad cholesterol, detoxifies the body, prevents cancer – many also call it vegetable blood because of its color.
The Incredible Effects of Prune Juice
2. JUL 24 - INTERESTING - 212
The Incredible Effects of Prune Juice
Prunes are considered one of the best foods for regulating digestion, improving anemia, and offering many other important benefits. Try it ...
Do children need dietary supplements?
1. JUL 24 - INTERESTING - 304
Do children need dietary supplements?
Vitamins, minerals, iron, magnesium, iodine... Today, pharmacies and stores are flooded with products enriched with synthetic vitamins. Is this good for children?
Foods You Shouldn't Reheat
30. JUN 24 - INTERESTING - 139
Foods You Shouldn't Reheat
Reheated food has significantly fewer nutrients and healthy components, and some types of food are even harmful and toxic.
Lazy Diet: How to Lose Weight Without Effort
30. JUN 24 - INTERESTING - 132
Lazy Diet: How to Lose Weight Without Effort
The lazy diet means you don't have to exercise, nor do you have to drastically change your diet, and after 5 days you'll be 5 kilograms lighter. Oh, and you mustn't be hungry either... Sounds promising, right?
How to Lose Weight with Water Exactly Where You Want
29. JUN 24 - INTERESTING - 112
How to Lose Weight with Water Exactly Where You Want
Drink plenty of water, then use water with a small addition right where you want to lose the most fat. It's a simple tip.

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