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How to check the functioning of the thyroid gland with a piece of paper?
29. JUN 24 - INTERESTING - 127
How to check the functioning of the thyroid gland with a piece of paper?
The thyroid gland is one of the most important in our body, and recently, there have been a lot of problems with it. This is a simple test ...
How to Quickly Change Your Body's pH
28. JUN 24 - INTERESTING - 158
How to Quickly Change Your Body's pH
With this drink, you can quickly normalize your body's alkaline or basic pH - effectively preventing acidity in the body.
How to Get Rid of Gas and Bloating
28. JUN 24 - INTERESTING - 340
How to Get Rid of Gas and Bloating
Bloating, abdominal pain, cramps, heartburn, gas... All these are the result of food that your digestive tract cannot digest. We offer you some tips on how to avoid this.
A drink that flattens and smooths the stomach
27. JUN 24 - INTERESTING - 218
A drink that flattens and smooths the stomach
It has been scientifically confirmed that this drink brings at least 9 benefits to our health.
Don't throw away eggshells, bake them instead
27. JUN 24 - INTERESTING - 88
Don't throw away eggshells, bake them instead
One of the most important elements in our body is calcium, and the highest amount of it is found in things we tend to discard. Baked eggshells are the solution.
List of fruits with the most sugar
26. JUN 24 - INTERESTING - 215
List of fruits with the most sugar
Fruit is extremely beneficial for any organism due to its richness in minerals, but the problem is the sugar content, which sometimes is high, sometimes low, and sometimes we don't even notice it ...
10 Alkaline Foods You Should Eat Every Day
26. JUN 24 - INTERESTING - 126
10 Alkaline Foods You Should Eat Every Day
Your health in autumn and winter depends on how healthy your diet is during the summer. Acidosis is particularly dangerous.
Alert: When Your Body is (Over)Loaded with Sugar
25. JUN 24 - INTERESTING - 112
Alert: When Your Body is (Over)Loaded with Sugar
Most people think that only diabetics have problems with high blood sugar levels, but that's not true. We offer you 9 ways to recognize sugar overdose.
How to Get Rid of Excess Salt and Why It Matters?
25. JUN 24 - INTERESTING - 143
How to Get Rid of Excess Salt and Why It Matters?
Too much salt in the body retains water, which can cause a range of complications and harmful health effects.
What Not to Eat After Sunset
24. JUN 24 - INTERESTING - 103
What Not to Eat After Sunset
When the sun sets, our metabolism slowly begins to slow down, so you shouldn't eat food that you won't be able to digest before bedtime.
5 Carbs Worse than White Bread
24. JUN 24 - INTERESTING - 196
5 Carbs Worse than White Bread
Who says that carbs from white bread are the worst for our health and figure? There are some that are even worse!
Drink this before bed and you will feel rejuvenated in the morning.
23. JUN 24 - INTERESTING - 131
Drink this before bed and you will feel rejuvenated in the morning.
How to effectively and overnight cleanse your body? This is very important, especially if you have indulged yourself prior.
Foods We Use Incorrectly
22. JUN 24 - INTERESTING - 123
Foods We Use Incorrectly
We present to you 7 foods we use daily without knowing that small details can determine their healing and nutritional effects.
6 Benefits of Water That Can Help You
22. JUN 24 - INTERESTING - 83
6 Benefits of Water That Can Help You
The months are coming when we will need a lot of water. Don't let hunger overcome thirst!
The Perfect Breakfast Against Cancer and Tumors
21. JUN 24 - INTERESTING - 91
The Perfect Breakfast Against Cancer and Tumors
Johanna Budwig is a German doctor who successfully treated cancer, and among many recipes, she left us this one.

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