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What is better: soaked flax seeds or freshly ground?
31. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 128
What is better: soaked flax seeds or freshly ground?
Flax seeds are so beneficial that we should eat them every day. But, do you know how to prepare them correctly?
What to eat before bed without gaining weight
30. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 195
What to eat before bed without gaining weight
Are you among the majority who can't resist taking a peek in the fridge before bed?
How to lose weight in one week?
29. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 145
How to lose weight in one week?
Is it even possible to lose weight in just a few days? Yes, you just need to change a few small everyday things...
Cumin and honey bewilder medicine
29. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 149
Cumin and honey bewilder medicine
The world accidentally discovered cumin and honey, and now it is shocked by their impact on patient health...
3 Types of Mold to Avoid
28. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 182
3 Types of Mold to Avoid
Have you noticed brown, gray, black, yellow, or white spots on walls or food? This indicates the presence of mold, and some of them can be very harmful.
10 Things That Accelerate Aging
27. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 144
10 Things That Accelerate Aging
You can see on a person’s face if they lead an unhealthy life, but the biggest problem is that it's hardest to notice in ourselves. If you want to stay youthful, then follow these rules.
How to Lose Weight Without Harming Your Health
26. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 146
How to Lose Weight Without Harming Your Health
Nutritionists have gathered some simple tips for losing weight without the fear of it impacting your health. What's it all about?
How to Make Kale Chips
24. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 303
How to Make Kale Chips
Salty, crispy, and delicious - here's a simple recipe for healthy vegetable chips.
Why It's Good to Eat Swiss Chard 3 Times a Week
24. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 217
Why It's Good to Eat Swiss Chard 3 Times a Week
Swiss chard is often called the guardian of health because of its positive properties.
How often to eat potatoes to remain healthy?
23. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 169
How often to eat potatoes to remain healthy?
Potatoes contain a lot of starch and carbohydrates and therefore do not fall under the category of healthy foods. But what is healthy?
Yogurt with This Spice Works Wonders
23. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 164
Yogurt with This Spice Works Wonders
If you eat a bowl of enriched yogurt in the evening, you will lose weight three times faster.
Have you heard about the incredible weight-loss diet with yogurt and potatoes?
22. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 184
Have you heard about the incredible weight-loss diet with yogurt and potatoes?
You might have heard that potatoes make you gain weight and are not suitable for weight loss, which is true if you eat them with meat. However, if you combine them with yogurt, it's a completely different story.
Fenugreek is a plant that can change your life
22. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 173
Fenugreek is a plant that can change your life
Haven't heard of fenugreek? No worries. 90 percent of people don't know about it, and even fewer know about the dramatic changes it can bring.
How do you turn sweet potatoes into dinner?
21. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 125
How do you turn sweet potatoes into dinner?
Sweet potatoes are a nutritional powerhouse packed with all good things, especially effective when used for dinner... Give it a try!
Imagine this: eradicating useless eaters
20. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 368
Imagine this: eradicating useless eaters
If you believe in conspiracy theories, then you must also believe in a plan to eradicate people who don't fit the mold of the food production industry. We live in an era where people are divided into useful and useless, for corporations, of course.

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