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Datum: 24. NOV 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
Mistakes we make when eating fruit
Eating fruit is extremely healthy and important, but it is true that we can also harm ourselves with fruit. Most people don't even know why and how?
Fruit contains many important nutrients. It contains essential vitamins, important proteins, and fibers, even those that the body cannot produce (we call them essential) ... But fruit also contains a lot of fructose.

Fructose is a simple sugar that breaks down quickly and enters the bloodstream, which can cause dizziness, nausea, increased body temperature ... As blood sugar levels also drop quickly, we feel the need for even more sugar.

Fructose is not only found in fruit, but also in honey, agave syrup, and of course artificial sweeteners. In addition, it is known that berries have less fructose than, for example, bananas, mangoes, figs, and grapes, which are among the sweetest fruits. That is why you should pay special attention to fructose.

Did you know that you can greatly slow down the transition of fruit sugar into the blood with simple tricks?! You must combine the right things.

You should eat an apple with some peanut butter.

Berries are healthier with yogurt.

You should eat grapes with cheese.

In general, you can always combine all fruits with almonds, or granola (which is a mixture of flakes, nuts, honey, and dried fruit), or cottage cheese.
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Healthy fruit eating
Fruit and fructose
Fruit sugar effects
Best fruit combinations
Slow down fruit sugar in blood

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