If you find yourself extremely hungry one day, consider whether one of the following reasons might be to blame. It's important to identify the cause to avoid overeating unnecessarily. Increased appetite is one way your body tells you something is wrong.
1. You Are Dehydrated
The line between thirst and hunger is thin. In more than half of the cases, thirst is mistaken for hunger. How do you know if you’ve had enough water? Pinch the skin on the back of your hand. If it doesn’t smooth out immediately, it isn’t elastic enough, and you need to drink more water. Try this test several times to understand your body and skin better.
2. Did You Sleep Poorly?
Hunger days usually follow a short, restless sleep. Not getting enough sleep increases appetite because the body needs more energy. If you think you can solve this problem with an afternoon nap, you're mistaken. The only real solution to stop an appetite attack is to go to bed earlier tonight.
3. You Eat Too Many Carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates quickly turn into sugar and enter the bloodstream rapidly (which is why diabetics have issues and why blood pressure can rise quickly). Since the body uses this energy quickly, you constantly feel hungry. Avoid simple carbohydrates found in white bread, cookies, desserts, and candies. The same goes for starchy foods (potatoes, rice). Try to eliminate or at least significantly limit these from your diet.
4. Are You Stressed?
Stress can also increase appetite. A warm bath, breathing exercises, or yoga can help. A hobby can also help distract you and make you forget about everyday problems. The issue of stress is significant and important. Did you know that generations born before World War II hardly knew what stress was by the age of 30, while today, more than a third of young people have issues with it? It’s not just jobs to blame; the school system has also become extremely demanding.
5. You Have More Protein Than Fats
Greek yogurt, eggs, and chicken extend the feeling of fullness. Avocados, nuts, and fatty fish do the same. However, this only applies if you have a balanced amount of fats and proteins in your body. You will remain hungry as long as you lack one of these nutrients.
6. Too Few Meals
If you don't eat all day, it’s normal to come home hungry. Hunger, in this case, means you’re eating incorrectly. Ideally, you should have a substantial meal every 4 to 5 hours, with a light snack in between. Yes, you calculated correctly: a healthy eating routine means eating every 2 hours.
7. You Eat Too Fast
Since the brain and stomach aren’t directly connected, it takes 20 minutes for the signal from your stomach to reach your brain. If you eat quickly, a lot can happen in that time. For example, you might overeat or eat things that don’t agree with you. So, every meal should last at least 30 minutes, without TV, computers, or phones. It’s also important to focus on your food, savor it, and taste it... All other distractions just delay the connection between your brain and stomach.