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Datum: 25. MAR 18 - RECIPES
LCHF stew with beef and fried tomato
Another delicious dish from a range of stews. We can use beef from the soup.

  • small savoy cabbage head
  • fistful of chopped onion
  • clove of garlic
  • some sliced leek
  • salt
  • pepper
  • powdered cumin
  • liquid for watering ( beef soup can also be used)
  • tomato
  • slice of prosciutto
  • nutmeg
  • olive oil

We remove thick stem from savoy cabbage leaves and blanch in boiling water for several minutes.

Meanwhile we fry onions, leek and garlic on olive oil. Then we add blanched savoy cabbage, which we cut into cubes. Add a pinch of cumin, salt, pepper and pour with liquid. We cook for 15 minutes.

A few spoons of our dish are removed and saved to be added later. Add the nutmeg to the remainder, as well as two tablespoons of sour cream and mix with immersion blender.

Pour into a soup cup in which we will serve. Add salted savoy cabbage, pieces of beef, fried tomatoes, seasoned with herbal salt and sprinkle with roasted prosciutto.

We adjust the density of the dish to our taste with the liquid we add. Before serving, we add a few drops of olive oil.

Dish is LCHF suitable and gluten free.

LCHF stew with beef and fried tomato
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