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Datum: 8. MAY 24 - INTERESTING
Trick to remove age spots
After the age of 40, age spots start appearing on everyone, which is not unusual, but it's good to know how to get rid of them anyway.
Age spots are pigmented spots on the skin, especially on the hands, and that's not unusual in itself. However, they can affect one's appearance, and the skin in those areas may be slightly less sensitive to touch. With the following trick, you can remove most of the age spots at home relatively cheaply and effectively. This advice works quickly and efficiently, and it's also good for faster wound healing and treating various skin problems. Once you see the ingredients, you'll immediately understand why.

  • 2 tablespoons of onion juice
  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar


It's important to prepare fresh onion juice. If you don't have a juicer, you can use a blender and then strain the onion pulp through a cotton cloth. Only freshly squeezed onion juice contains enough active and nourishing substances that help with skin and body regeneration.

Mix the onion juice and vinegar, apply it to the age spots, and massage with your fingers for a few minutes. You'll see that the spots visibly shrink, and after 2 weeks of regular use, they'll completely disappear.

Since onion leaves an unpleasant odor, rub your hands with lemon (preferably lemon peel) afterward to get rid of the smell.

Finally, an important warning: before starting with this kind of spot removal, apply just one drop, spread it on your skin, and wait for 24 hours. Some people may experience allergies, inflammation, or even blisters.
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