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Datum: 10. FEB 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
2 ingredients for after lunch that cleanse the body and melt fat
You won't believe it, but after a hearty lunch, you should treat yourself to this simple drink with extraordinary effects
We all know that parasites are microorganisms that eat away nutrients, cause ulcers and a bunch of other dangers. Some live in the gut, most feed on sugar and anything that turns into sugar. Some, however, spread from the intestine over time throughout the body.

If we add to this toxins that we knowingly or unknowingly consume with food, and they attack the immune system, cause allergies and, above all, take energy from the body.

You have to get toxins and parasites out of your body in any way you can. But if you can also make sure that you get rid of excess fat and even lose weight, it is definitely worth trying this tip.

  • 1 tablespoon of flax seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cloves

This mixture is best prepared fresh after a meal. This should especially apply after dinner. Grind both ingredients, pour 1/dcl of lukewarm water and drink. It is very important to drink at least half an hour before going to bed in the evening.

If you want to be really effective, then the meal should not contain sugar, grains and carbohydrates.
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