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Datum: 8. FEB 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
With water over kilograms, but not with ordinary water!
There is a trick that can free you from many kilos. All you need is simple birch tea.
As incredible as it may sound, you can lose pounds only with water. Actually: birch water. And that in a simple way...

This trick comes from the fact that humans do not distinguish between hunger and thirst. Therefore, the answer to all of them is to drink too little. But no, just like that, you have to be well aware of what you are doing.

Research shows that those who drink 2 more glasses of water than recommended also eat 205 fewer calories. In other words: if you drink 4 more glasses of water a day, you will eat 400 calories less, which means a good half a kilogram less every day.

Dehydration is a big problem and affects the operation of many processes, but practically all of them are most reflected in increased kilograms. Therefore, it is a sensible decision to drink more. But not just that, but birch tea.

Namely, unsweetened and highly diluted birch tea has a lot of electrolytes and antioxidants, it helps in cleaning the organism, detoxification, and at the same time accelerates the burning of fats. The fact is that the moment you become thirsty, your body is already dehydrated, and certain processes are already active. Your goal must be to prevent dehydration in time, because that is the only way the work will be busy all the time, and the cleaning processes will always be active.

At first, you will have to drink forcefully at times, but you will get used to it after a while, especially since diluted birch tea can bring a lot of benefits. Birch tea is even more useful than coconut water and it is much more useful and natural for us.

We suggest you start gradually, aiming to drink 4 glasses more than optimal.

Try it!
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