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Datum: 25. MAR 18 - HEALTHY & BEAUTY
Lazy bowels are causing big bellies
Did you know that lazy bowels are responsible for more than half of fat stored around your stomach? Fortunately, there is an easy way to get rid of this.
Lazy bowels are usually main cause of excess weight. Not only that but they also cause toxic substances to accumulate in the body, which can later develop into most dangerous diseases, including cancer. If you have good digestion and active bowels, then the body burns more fat, you have more energy and feel better, but most importantly, the body is cleaned naturally.

Fortunately there is a simple and healthy way to make intestines busier.

All you need are 6 dry plums. Put them in a glass and pour over about 1 dl of boiling water. Cover the glass and leave alone for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, you should prepare a mixture in a second bowl: mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 2 tablespoons of flax seed and 2 tablespoons of cocoa. Pour all this with 3 dl of kefir.

During this time, the plums have already cooled down. Chop them into small pieces and add to the mixture of seeds and kefir. Stir well together and let it stand in the refrigerator overnight.

If you eat this first thing every morning, you will feel a relaxation in your abdomen after a few days. You will be less bloated and tense, your tone, hair and nails will improve, and most importantly your belly will be noticeably reduced.
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