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Datum: 16. JAN 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
5 myths about healthy food that are not true
There is a lot of "wisdom" spreading among people that is not true - It is not true that everything you think is harmful is really harmful, so you don't have to feel bad if you sin from time to time...
1. Counting calories is pointless
The number of calories consumed is of course important, but it does not matter whether you eat 500 calories in the form of a steak or 500 calories of chocolate. Not all calories are created equal! One is a healthy meal full of minerals and other nutrients, and the other is calories with apparent energy value in the form of sugar.

2. Vegetable oils are not always healthy
Did you know that regular lard and homemade margarine can be healthier than refined vegetable oils? It is a mistake to think that all vegetable oils are equally healthy. If they are made according to known and healthy procedures, then they are, but otherwise they can be just as harmful as fats of animal origin.

3. Can fruit juices be harmful?
If you don't think about what is mixed into the fruit juices you buy, fruit juices can cause quite a few health problems. It is true that juices, even if natural, have a lot of nutrients, but they also have a lot of fructose. An overdose of fruit sugar can cause diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and in addition, you'll get fat.

Fruit juices are especially high in fructose. That's why it's healthy if you drink a glass of fruit juice in the morning, which you make yourself from no more than three ingredients, and during the day you prefer to drink more water, black coffee and tea.

4. Not all carbohydrates are fattening
The body needs carbohydrates. Basically, we distinguish between simple and complex carbohydrates, which are of course less suitable for the body. Simple ones are found in honey, maple syrup, vegetable juices, jams, ice cream, pudding, milk, yogurt, fruit, vegetables... Complex ones are found in the following foods (mostly they have a characteristic floury taste and a lot of starch): bread, rice, potatoes, cereals , pasta... If you eat simple carbohydrates, you will not gain weight.

5. There is no evidence that more meals are healthier
Many personal trainers advocate the thesis that you should eat before you get hungry, but there is no real evidence that this helps with weight loss. In addition, there has been a long-standing debate about whether more meals a day are healthier, but there is also no empirical evidence to support this. The fact is that what we eat is more important than the number of meals.

And one more important little thing: if you are worried about your figure, extra pounds, health, no diet will benefit you if you are not intensely physically active for at least 6 to 8 hours a week.

5 myths about healthy food that are not true
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