Industrially processed and prepared food is very good, and we find it hard to resist. Of course, we are talking about sausages, chips, crackers, and similar dishes, which are immensely attractive to children, men, and women. (Almost) no one can resist it.
An experiment was conducted at Yale University in the United States. They gathered 206 participants and first showed them photos of various foods. The participants had to rate the products in the pictures and estimate the number of calories.
They then fed all the participants with the same products, and three hours later, they scanned them with a tomograph (CT scan).
Then they gave everyone the same and limited amount of money, which they had to spend on a virtual purchase of food for the next day. They measured brain activity in all participants during the selection process. And here is where a dramatic twist occurred.
The research participants mostly spent their money on foods with unsaturated fats and high carbohydrates content. In almost all cases, these were processed foods. The most shocking thing was that in all cases, the reward center in the brain was activated. The more of these foods they chose, the more their brains rewarded the decision.
On the other hand: healthy, natural, and fresh foods did not provide any reward to the participants under any circumstances.
Perhaps because they were not in attractive packaging?!