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Datum: 15. FEB 25 - GOOD TO KNOW
Garlic and Apple Cider Vinegar Against Cancer
The story of a folk remedy that convinced the German medical regulator to classify garlic as a medically approved drug
Garlic is a spice that has been used for over 5000 years. It is most commonly found in Arab and Mediterranean cuisine, and its medicinal properties have been written about in ancient texts for thousands of years. It is surprising that modern medicine is only now discovering the benefits of garlic. Despite the abundance of evidence on its positive effects, the medical community remains cautious. The decision of the German drug regulator is therefore groundbreaking.

What Convinced the Germans of the Health Effects of Garlic?

In California, USA, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine funded a study on the impact of garlic. Specifically, they wanted to examine the effects of the unique folk mixture of garlic and apple cider vinegar. Records of this folk remedy appear on almost every continent at different times.

The medical study involved 200 volunteers who were given 4 grams of garlic extract daily for 6 months. The final results surprised researchers once again. Those with high blood pressure saw an improvement. Those with high cholesterol saw an improvement in their blood profile (especially a decrease in bad LDL cholesterol). Those with heart problems experienced significant health improvements, as garlic is one of the best remedies for preventing heart attacks and strokes. Another detail that researchers did not overlook: during the study, none of the volunteers fell ill, not even with a minor cold.

But all of this would not have been enough for the German regulator if the study did not specifically monitor the impact of garlic on the development of cancer and metastasis. Not only did the progression of the disease stop in a large percentage of the volunteers, 23% completely recovered. As stated in the final report, this is not sufficient evidence to claim garlic cures cancer, but the results are very encouraging.

The Mysterious Potion

According to the folk tradition, you will need:
  • 10 cloves of garlic
  • 2 dl of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 dl of honey
  • juice of one lemon

Mix all the ingredients in a blender for a minute and a half to get a thick, smooth mixture that can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Some people prefer to mix the ingredients well, leaving the garlic cloves whole, but such a potion may have fewer medicinal effects. However, it's true that whole cloves can last up to a month. It is recommended to consume 2 tablespoons at least 10 minutes before a meal (you can dilute them with water or natural juice), but most importantly, have 2 tablespoons on an empty stomach.

The first health effects will be noticeable after two weeks of regular consumption.

Honey in this mixture acts as a natural sweetener and has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Honey is especially important in winter months as it strengthens the immune system, protects us from viral illnesses, and helps soothe coughs.

Lemon adds freshness to the mixture and enhances its antiviral properties. In combination with honey, it is a good body cleanser.

Apple Cider Vinegar should be homemade to contain more medicinal components. The list of diseases it treats is practically endless, starting with all types of allergies, diabetes, arthritis, skin issues, and even dandruff... Apple cider vinegar was reportedly consumed by Cleopatra, and Hollywood actresses Megan Fox, Cindy Crawford, and Heidi Klum use it for weight loss.

Did you know that garlic is also called Italian perfume? While our western neighbors heavily spice all dishes with garlic, the smell, unfortunately, associated with garlic-laden meals is synonymous with health for them. Garlic triggers the release of hydrogen sulfide, the same gas that causes the smell of rotten eggs.

Lastly, a warning: we advise against consuming the above mixture for people with acid reflux issues.
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Garlic and Apple Cider Vinegar
German Medical Regulator
Folk Remedy
Health Benefits of Garlic
Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe

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