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Datum: 15. FEB 25 - GOOD TO KNOW
Weight loss juice that shortens exercise
If you want to lose weight, help yourself with a juice that speeds up and multiplies all effects in the body, so it is recommended to drink it even if you are going for a light walk.
There are several tricks for fast weight loss juices. Some of them have a diuretic effect. With these, you can lose weight in a few hours, but you quickly gain it back. However, these juices are beneficial because they help eliminate toxins along with excess water. Diuretic ingredients often include parsley and cucumbers.

Another type of weight loss juices are those that reduce appetite. This group includes juices with lemon, grapefruit, or pineapple. Especially lemon literally shrinks the stomach by more than 30 percent, meaning you will eat that much less.

The third type of juices is those with few calories, lots of fiber, and provide a feeling of fullness for several hours. Some may say these have negative calories, but they don't actually; the body just burns more calories digesting them than they contain (check out the article 53 foods that the more you eat, the more you lose weight).

And there is also a fourth type of weight loss juices: those that accelerate internal processes so that toxins don't have time to accumulate in the body, cleanse the body, give a feeling of fullness because the stomach has already shrunk after the first sip ... Everything you do while drinking such juice will pay off threefold. 10 minutes of exercise will have the same effect as if you exercised for half an hour without this aid.

It is probably not difficult to guess what to use to make a juice that shortens exercise.

  • 3 slices of pineapple
  • juice of one lemon
  • bunch of parsley
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 2 celery stalks

Blend pineapple, lemon, parsley, and cucumber into a smooth mixture. It is important to drink only freshly made juice. Drink the celery and juice together, and within 20 minutes, you will feel the first results. Firstly, your digestion will improve, then the kilos around your stomach will start visibly shrinking.
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Weight loss juice
Fast weight loss juices
Diuretic weight loss juices
Appetite reducing juices
Internal cleansing weight loss juices

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