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Datum: 14. FEB 25 - GOOD TO KNOW
Miracle drink - prevents, relieves and heals
Introducing a drink that relieves pain, prevents inflammation, heals arthritis, and prevents cancer
In Indian folk medicine, a drink has been used for centuries that has more than 300 antioxidants and is considered a cheap and effective folk remedy. It treats a variety of diseases, including cancer, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric
  • ginger (about 5 centimeters)
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 orange
Cut the ginger into small pieces, put turmeric, ginger, peeled lemon (whole lemon, not just the juice) and peeled orange (try to add as much white part of the peel as possible) in a blender. Mix everything well and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.

Indian medicine researcher Dr. Ajay Goel found in his analysis of this drink that the secret lies in lemon juice and turmeric. When combined, antioxidants are activated, which successfully treat arthritis, reduce joint stiffness and swelling, and are beneficial in treating dementia. He also found that this drink is only 2 to 5% less effective than pharmaceutical antidepressants, but has no side effects. Plus, it's natural.

In his report, Dr. Goel also writes about cancer and antioxidants that regulate the amount of free radicals in the body (which are responsible for the development of many cancerous diseases). This drink also relieves digestive problems, heart and vascular issues, removes toxins from the body, improves complexion and skin...

The best part of it all is that such a drink is inexpensive and easy to prepare.
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Miracle drink
Indian folk medicine
Turmeric drink
Anti-inflammatory drink
Lemon and turmeric recipe

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