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Datum: 12. FEB 25 - GOOD TO KNOW
What is healthier: milk or yogurt?
Have you ever wondered in what situations it is better to drink milk and when yogurt? What to drink for breakfast and what for dinner?
Although yogurt belongs to the group of dairy products, at first glance, yogurt would be preferred. However, the answer is not that simple. The fact is that milk contains enzymes that help with digestion, making drinking milk even more recommended than yogurt for children. Of course, as we age, the need for milk decreases, in middle age it can be completely removed from the menu, and in old age, milk is beneficial for bones. Drink it mainly in the morning.
The nutritional differences between milk and yogurt are minimal and negligible. If we compare milk and yogurt with 3.2% fat, both have 0.1 mg of iron, 119 mg of calcium, and are equal in other minerals. In 1 dl of milk, there is 34% of the daily dose of vitamin A, in yogurt only 22% (which is still a lot). Milk has 1% of vitamin C, yogurt has 0.5%. Milk has 63 calories, yogurt has 55 calories. Milk has 3.2 mg of proteins, yogurt has 3.5 ...
For people sensitive to lactose, yogurt is an excellent substitute. Moreover, it is also easier to digest because it remains in liquid form when in contact with acid, making it easier to pass through the intestines. Milk stays in our bodies much longer, so it is better to drink yogurt than milk in the evening.
We must also be cautious about the quality of milk (Is milk even healthy anymore), and there are so many types of yogurts that, in the end, only one type remains - homemade. It is also good to know about milk alternatives (What do you know about milk alternatives).
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Milk vs Yogurt
Dairy products comparison
Benefits of milk
Digestion and milk
Lactose sensitivity and yogurt

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