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Datum: 10. FEB 25 - GOOD TO KNOW
Super healthy secret with Greek yogurt
How to make Greek yogurt yourself, and add some ingredients for a healthy meal
Yogurt is produced through bacterial fermentation of milk. It contains a high amount of milk proteins, calcium, vitamin B6, and B12... The first records of yogurt usage date back more than 4500 years, and it was often used in traditional medicine. In the 20th century, research confirmed the health benefits of lactic acid bacteria found in yogurt.
Today, we know that yogurt has a positive effect on the digestive tract, lowers cholesterol, and is recommended for older adults and those with fragile bones due to its higher protein content compared to milk.

How to make Greek yogurt

One of the dairy products is Greek yogurt, which is thicker, creamier, and has a more distinct taste than regular yogurt. You can buy it, but it's even better to make it yourself. You just need regular yogurt, place it in a dry kitchen towel, and then put it in a bowl to let the liquid drain. Place the yogurt in the refrigerator for a few hours (overnight is also fine). What remains is Greek yogurt.

Yogurt + add-ins = medicine

One of the healthiest combinations with yogurt is definitely a smoothie with cinnamon and honey. This combination enhances the healing effects of all three ingredients (check out what cinnamon is good for and what to watch out for: Did you know there is harmful and beneficial cinnamon).

Ingredients for one serving of the drink:
  • 1 dl of Greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup of milk

It is important that the yogurt and milk are cold. It's best to have them in the fridge before preparation. Mix everything well (add cinnamon last), and you can also add ground nuts or flaxseeds to the smoothie.

This combination of healthy ingredients has no more than 120 calories and can be a great breakfast replacement.
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Greek yogurt health benefits
How to make Greek yogurt
Homemade Greek yogurt recipe
Greek yogurt smoothie recipe
Health benefits of yogurt

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