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Datum: 6. FEB 25 - GOOD TO KNOW
Look at your hands and find out how healthy you are
Our body has a variety of alert systems, but people tend to ignore them - Introducing you to the system of diagnosing from hands.
It's quite strange how in the last few decades we have forgotten about natural symptoms and trust official medical diagnoses much more. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but sometimes our body communicates much earlier than problems arise. Even official medicine agrees that prevention is more successful than cure, so we shouldn't ignore these signals.

It is known for centuries by healers that human health is a combination of seemingly unrelated factors and that overall well-being should be viewed holistically. This led to the development of Ayurvedic medicine and a plethora of other alternative healing methods. Among the most well-known are acupuncture and acupressure. The former treats with needle pricks, while the latter only requires finger pressure, provided you know where and how.

Let's go back to hands. Just looking at the fingers can tell you a lot:
  • Thumb: is connected to the brain, changes on it are usually a result of stress, tension, nervousness. If the skin on your thumb dries out or you get a rash ... all these could be signs that you might expect headaches in a few days. You need relaxation. A real treat for the brain.

  • Index finger: is linked to the lungs. Changes predict the risk of colds, pneumonia, bronchitis, even cough ... Blood circulation, anemia, lack of energy, chronic drowsiness are also related to the lungs. Changes on the index finger indicate that you need to spend more time outdoors. Treat yourself to a Sunday outing.

  • Middle finger: indicates changes in the intestines, stomach, and liver. Changes on the middle finger are directly related to food and eating habits, often affected by the time you spend on meals. Your digestion can significantly improve if you take more than half an hour for a meal.

  • Ring finger: is connected to the liver and body detox. Since the liver is our largest internal organ and is involved in many tasks related to metabolism and body cleansing, changes on the ring finger may indicate several issues. Besides improper food and drink, the ring finger can also be a sign of a cold or some other internal inflammation. For a few days, we recommend lighter, perhaps even a diet-based food.

  • Little finger: shows changes in the heart. Any overload, excessive exercise, unnecessary agitation, or even overly spicy food can have consequences on the heart. Blood is also linked to the heart, so changes on the little finger could be a warning to eat more nutritious food. If heart problems persist for a long time, then retreat to a solitary, calm place without phones for a few days. It will help!

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Hand diagnosis
Ayurvedic medicine
Holistic healing

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