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Datum: 5. FEB 25 - GOOD TO KNOW
How to Detox Your Body with One Sugar-Free Day
The more sugar we consume, the greater the craving for it we will feel. And once you find yourself in this vicious circle, it will be hard to break free from this whirlpool…
Sugar causes one of the biggest addictions we know. Sugar addiction is equal to addiction to drugs, alcohol, and other addictive substances. In addition, we as humans have brought sugar so strongly into our lives that it's difficult to break free from it. Many people are not even aware of the problem until it's too late. A person should not consume more than 25 grams of sugar per day. Yet, when you analyze your diet, you will realize that Slovenians on average consume around 80 grams of sugar, which is three times more than the recommended limit.

In reality, we do not need sugar at all, but we are programmed to crave sweet as if we cannot get energy in any other way.

While it's true that sugar provides quick energy, it can also be found in healthy fats, where it is abundantly available. Unfortunately, our bodies are programmed to seek quick and instant solutions.

Research has shown that just like we have different detox days, we should also have a sugar-free day. This will cleanse our body, eliminate certain diseases, relieve organs, and give the body time to regenerate, catch its breath, and become stronger and more resilient.

Here is an example of such a menu:

Transitioning to a sugar-free day should be done gradually. No rushing, no looking for quick and instant solutions. In the morning, we should eat quality and healthy proteins and fats, only such foods will keep you full for longer and help you resist the temptation of sugary foods. This is the only way to have enough energy throughout the day…

A quick and nutritious breakfast can include eggs fried in coconut oil, plain yogurt, oatmeal, chia seeds, and also pumpkin or sunflower seeds.

Continue lunch with a combination of proteins, fibers, and healthy fats. The best way to escape the grip of sugar is to keep on with protein-rich foods full of healthy fats. Include plenty of coconut oil, avocado, colorful salad, beans, quinoa, lentils during lunch. Also, it is important to drink plenty of water during lunchtime. Hydration is very important at this time of day.

Dinner should be vegetable-based with a good amount of proteins and healthy fats. You can include whole grains, brown rice, quinoa, try to limit bread intake (preferably not eat it at all - regardless of color). Avoid having potatoes and sauces. For dinner, have a portion of salmon or tuna (100 grams), avocado, broccoli, radish, spinach…

Do you find it difficult? Admit it, it's not!

If you can hold on the whole day just drinking water, you will see that you could easily get used to such a menu. And your health will be grateful.

One more note.

If you're not eating sugar, you should not drink it either. Replace your sweet morning coffee with a bitter one.
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Sugar detox
Sugar addiction
Healthy meal plan
Sugar-free diet
Detox menu

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