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Datum: 3. FEB 25 - GOOD TO KNOW
3 mandatory rules for breakfast for a flatter stomach
If you have a good breakfast, you will make far fewer dietary mistakes throughout the day.
Never skip breakfast. This is advice given by everyone: nutritionists and doctors. Also, don't forget the saying: the morning shows the day. And it's really true. If you stick to the three main breakfast rules, add at least half an hour of exercise a day, then you don't need to worry about your figure. The excess pounds will disappear on their own, and your well-being and health will improve.

1. Eat immediately
Studies show that it is best to have breakfast half an hour to an hour after waking up. But even more important than the time is eating breakfast slowly. So start your breakfast as soon as you wake up. It's okay to have a small snack while preparing it. All this will give you strength, your appearance will be much fresher, and you will definitely make fewer mistakes for lunch and dinner if you are full and satisfied. The worst thing you can do is not have breakfast, have a light snack, and then load up on carbohydrates and sugar in the evening.

2. Eat plenty of proteins
Proteins are very important for controlling hunger throughout the day. Several studies have confirmed that those who eat eggs for breakfast burn 50 percent more calories during the day compared to those who eat pastries (particularly dangerous are bakery pastries, pastries made with puff pastry - such pastries are also highly carcinogenic due to trans fats). A breakfast rich in proteins gives us a feeling of fullness throughout the day, reduces appetite, fills the body with energy, and helps regulate internal processes. A breakfast rich in proteins is digested more slowly, keeping us full for a longer period.

3. Add a banana
Try to always finish a good and hearty breakfast with a banana. The starch in bananas is harder to break down, so the body needs to use energy from fat stores. Additionally, bananas are rich in other nutrients (from vitamins to minerals), which strengthens the immune system. However, make sure not to eat more than 2 bananas during the day. Have the second one instead of dinner, and you will have a perfect day: you won't be hungry, and you will even lose weight.
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flatter stomach breakfast rules
protein-rich breakfast
banana for weight loss
importance of breakfast
healthy breakfast tips

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