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Datum: 1. FEB 25 - GOOD TO KNOW
Miracle Diet: Flaxseed Oil and Cottage Cheese
Another combination of foods that pharmacists have pushed into oblivion, but now we are rediscovering ancient folk wisdom
Since 1951, when German biochemist Johanna Budwig first used flax in the treatment of cancer (using seeds and oil), its use started to decline. It became more than obvious that a simple remedy for a serious illness was not in the interest of capital. Flax used to be considered just an industrial plant, but numerous studies on its health benefits (including clinical trials) show that we have unjustly neglected flax for 50 years. Today, even official medicine recognizes that flax seeds and oil can be used to treat constipation, abdominal issues, breathing problems, sore throat, eczema, menstrual problems, arthritis, and of course, various types of cancers.
Flaxseed oil has all these medicinal properties even more pronounced. In addition to the mentioned benefits, it regulates cholesterol, boosts the immune system, contains a high amount of alpha-linolenic acid, and plenty of omega-3 fatty acids...
However, there is an important difference between oil and seeds. The seeds contain lignan compounds which have an antiestrogenic effect, meaning they inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Just for comparison: flax seeds contain 300,000 lignan microorganisms per 100 grams of seeds, followed by sesame seeds with 20,000 microorganisms, and red wine, which is also a good antioxidant, only has 91 microorganisms.
Flaxseed oil does not contain lignan compounds, but it has other powerful effects. One of them is reducing the risk of cancer cell formation. It is advisable to consume flaxseed oil as soon as the first issues are noticed, as it optimizes energy utilization and promotes the renewal of cellular structures. It contains a high amount of phospholipids, enabling membrane renewal and improving the function of nerve cells.
A Half-Century Old Story
About a decade ago, oncologist and cardiologist Dr. Dan C. Roehm stumbled upon Budwig's records while going through the archives. He treated a group of cancer surgery patients with Budwig's recipe, and the results astonished him. Roehm, who has been nominated for the Nobel Prize 6 times, wrote on his blog: This diet is one of the most successful cancer treatment diets in the world.
What is then the 50-year-old forgotten secret?
Add 2 to 5 tablespoons of flaxseed oil, 1 to 3 tablespoons of ground flaxseeds, and a tablespoon of honey to a cup of cottage cheese (can also use yogurt or kefir).
This is best to be eaten instead of breakfast (at least 2 hours before the next meal), and during the diet, it is essential to greatly limit sugar consumption (ideally, completely abstain from it).
It is important to store flax oil and seeds properly (in a cool, dark, and dry place). Budwig also advises against all animal fats, mayonnaise, butter, margarine, but recommends plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as warm mint or rosehip tea throughout the day.
In a radio interview in 1967, Dr. Budwig said: Even in patients where surgery has failed, it is possible to restore complete health within a few months through diet in 90% of cases.
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Flaxseed Oil Benefits
Budwig Diet
Flaxseed Oil Cancer Treatment
Cottage Cheese Flaxseed Oil Recipe
Dr. Johanna Budwig

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