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Datum: 1. FEB 25 - GOOD TO KNOW
Now is the right day for cleansing the body
If you really want to take care of your health, you need to thoroughly cleanse your body at least once a month - do this with apples.
Apples are cheap, healthy, and available all year round, but people are not aware enough of their healing and nourishing properties. The most important is pectin, which effectively and quickly cleanses toxins from the body.

How to start an apple cleansing diet?

When you wake up, drink a glass of fresh apple juice. Of course, without sugar and other additives. You can squeeze in only half a lemon, which will strengthen your immune system, and the acid will shrink your stomach, keeping you full until lunch. It is also important that the juice is lukewarm, and drink it slowly, sip by sip.

Two to three hours later, eat two apples. There is no need to prepare them in any special way, just make sure they are organically grown to avoid pesticides and other toxic substances from the peel entering your body. If you are not sure about the origin of the apples, soak them in vinegar for 10 minutes and then rinse them thoroughly under running water.

You can eat two apples again after 2 to 3 hours and continue this pattern until dinner.

In between, drink tea made from dried apples or apple peels. You can sweeten it with a tablespoon or two of honey. Make sure the tea is not cold. Due to the honey, it is best to drink it at room temperature.

Prepare about 2 liters of tea, which is good to drink throughout the day.

And the final step of cleansing the body with apples: dinner. Peel two apples, grate them, and mix them with two tablespoons of honey. Let this be the last meal of the day.

If you want to fully benefit from the power of apples and especially pectin, then do not eat anything else on the cleansing day to avoid disrupting digestion. This method is recommended for everyone (even healthy individuals) because apples are one of the easiest foods to digest. Furthermore, this method is recommended for people with gout, rheumatism, arthritis, liver and kidney problems, circulatory issues, excess fat in the arteries, and overall. Apples have a positive effect on the nervous system, help with weight loss, and improve metabolism.

Additionally, a one-day cleansing diet with apples acts as a natural disinfectant, meaning you can use it when you have overeaten or indulged in foods that negatively affect the body. It is recommended to use this diet once a month, but not more often than once a week. Excessive cleanliness in the body can also harm the healthy bacteria that the body needs.
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Apple cleansing diet
Body cleansing with apples
Health benefits of apples
Apple detox
Pectin cleansing properties

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