Banana diet is a real fashion hit. Everyone who has tried it is thrilled with the flavors, especially with the effects,
The key rule of the banana diet is to eat one banana for breakfast together with one or two glasses of lukewarm water. If this is not enough for you, you can eat two, even three bananas (always with a glass of water), but not more than four. Breakfast is the only meal where deviations are allowed.
Other meals should be smaller, lighter, and more frequent. Do not stick to usual patterns (lunch, dinner). You can have 5 or more meals (every 2 hours). It is important to drink water all the time, and you can indulge in a cup of unsweetened coffee or tea.
Choose your main meal, which should be at the same time throughout the diet. Then you can have lunch according to the following recipe: - 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds - 150 grams of blueberries- 1 banana - 1 tablespoon of grated ginger (fresh is the best)- 1 handful of spinach - 1 glass of water Mix all the ingredients (except water), and you must consume this smoothie as slowly as possible, but never less than 20 minutes (this is the time our brains need to register the eating process and reduce hunger sensation). This smoothie provides all the necessary vitamins, fibers, and proteins that the body needs throughout the day.
If you still cannot resist treats, you can have some dark chocolate (as many grams as you weigh), but only before 3 p.m.
The last banana meal should be before 8 p.m., although ideally, you shouldn't eat anything after 6 p.m.
If you feel excessively hungry after a few days of the diet, you can have a handful of fresh fruit, but only exceptionally. Do not make it a habit.
Stick to the strict banana regimen for at least 7 days, but not more than 12 days. Then you must end the diet to let your body recover.