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Datum: 22. JAN 25 - GOOD TO KNOW
A mixture that restores your immune system
Removes toxins from the body, breaks down excess fat (so you lose weight), and further improves the immune system in a way you couldn't even imagine...
The recipe is very simple. Every day, you must mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. You must consume this on an empty stomach...
After just a few days, you will have more energy and feel less tired during the day. In addition to strengthening your immune system, this mixture will also do something else: it cleanses the liver, cleanses the bile ducts, and melts fat where your body stored reserves for tough times (those fat deposits that make us gain weight and affect our figure (usually not in the way we would want).
If you consume this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach, it will help lower cholesterol, and it also prevents cardiovascular diseases.
It is also interesting that some people add a pinch of flaxseeds to this mixture (helps break down saturated fats - aiding in weight loss), you can also add a tablespoon of corn (helps maintain skin elasticity - preventing aging), others add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed beet juice (this increases the iron content in the blood, thereby increasing oxygen levels)...
Limonin juice is also very important as it relaxes the bile, cleanses the respiratory tract, and lungs... You can replace it with cranberry juice, which gives the body energy, or with freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, which improves digestion, lowers high blood pressure, and helps the heart and blood vessels).
We must know that the liver is our blood factory and only clean and quality blood is the right food for cells.
And one more thing...
Stick to the specified amounts. Do not overdo it. Consume the mixture in small amounts, even if you feel that it benefits you greatly. Increasing the doses can disrupt the internal balance, and it may take more than a month to get back into the established rhythm.
Consistency is the guarantee of good health.
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Immune system booster
Detoxifying mixture
Weight loss remedy
Olive oil and lemon juice
Liver cleanse

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