1. Dry skin or scaly lips
This is usually a sign of dehydration, but there may also be a more serious problem, such as sweat gland function or hypothyroidism (insufficient thyroid hormone levels, but it can also be diabetes. Other signs of hypothyroidism include chills, high body weight and constant Symptoms of diabetes include constant thirst, frequent urination, and blurred vision.
2. Facial hair
Sometimes the hair on your face in the most unusual places is tangled, but it can grow faster or slower. If you find that they are growing faster, then the cause may also be a hormonal imbalance or polycystic ovary syndrome.
3. Yellow eyelids
Elevated cholesterol and vascular or heart problems are often reflected by yellowing of the eyelids under the eyes.
4. Tired eyes, puffiness
Chronic fatigue, puffiness, tired eyes can also be a sign of an allergy. Pay particular attention to cardiovascular disease.
5. Asymmetry
Facial asymmetry can be one of the first signs of a stroke. It is interesting for many patients that they first saw their illness in the mirror when he had never seen a more serious portrait. We need to pay particular attention to the morning asymmetry.