Let's not beat around the bush: we're talking about beans. We don't need to repeat about its healing effects, although it is mainly known for its (side) windy effects. But that's nothing compared to what it causes.
Beans have many invaluable properties and are considered very healthy food. Even doctors recommend consuming it regularly, from 1 to 4 times a week!
It contains numerous healthy components, with proteins, healthy carbohydrates, fats, and of course, vitamins standing out. Beans are considered the second most widely consumed food in the world (sugar being the first, and the most widely consumed free food being dandelion).
But let's get back to centenarians ... They eat 8 times more beans than people who go to work. They most often eat beans in sauce (as an addition to vegetable soups), as a side dish for salads, and their favorite are various stews (like bean stew).
We must distinguish beans at least by color, with the majority of centenarians intentionally avoiding white beans. Perhaps because it causes joint inflammations and it's not very common among local and natural growers. Many people associate white beans with canned foods, which is probably why it's less frequent on our menus.
Bean soups and stews are by far the most popular and inexpensive dishes among those who live long.
Remember this!