Eckelkamp decided to change her diet. Until recently, she used to have a banana and an apple for breakfast, but it wasn't giving her the desired results.
In an article published by Organic Life, she wrote that after eating the banana and apple, she would feel hungry in about an hour, plus she started to experience mild headaches, fatigue, leg pains, increased irritability, and nervousness. She searched for a long time for the reasons why she was feeling terrible, until she thought that it could all be due to improper nutrition.
She consulted with multiple nutritionists, each recommending a different solution, but in the end, she combined all the recommendations to create her own meal plan, which was approved by all the nutritionists she consulted. No one had any objections.
She started with a breakfast that was rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, affordable and available throughout the year. The logical choice was, of course, eggs.
When she first tried eating three plain eggs, it seemed too dry and filling, but after a few days her body adapted. Eggs, in addition to proteins, also contain a lot of vitamins D, E, B, and more than 12 important minerals.
On the third day of having egg breakfast, she scrambled the eggs and added a bit of peas and corn.
On the fourth day, she added avocado and cilantro to this vegetable mix.
In the article, Eckelkamp emphasizes several times that this was her only food until lunch. A substantial breakfast is a must, but we shouldn't ruin everything with morning snacks that unnecessarily burden our digestion, slow it down, and contain many unnecessary items that accumulate around the belly, hips, and legs... She had no restrictions at lunch, then in the afternoon she would have a small snack, and ended her day after 10 hours. She wouldn't eat anything after 6 p.m. When she felt hungry, she drank a glass of lukewarm water with a few drops of lemon.
She maintained this routine for a week and lost 5 kilograms.
Then she took a week off and returned to her original diet, and in the third week she resumed the routine with three eggs for breakfast.
It has been several months now since she has stuck to the breakfast with three eggs. She said that she easily lost a total of 10 kilograms, her weight is stable, and she feels much better than before.
Perhaps our problem is just that we don't know how to desire the right things and tend to exaggerate everything.