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Datum: 9. JAN 25 - GOOD TO KNOW
21-day cleansing diet
This combination is important for digestion, liver, and kidneys - it is the best combination for detoxifying the body
Detox diets are becoming increasingly important lately, as the liver has a harder time purifying the blood. The reason is that we eat food that contains more and more toxic and indigestible substances, many of which accumulate in fatty tissue, further causing issues. These issues are not just related to increased weight, but also problems with toxins accumulating in the body and eventually transforming into tumors, cysts, metastases...

That's why regular periodic detoxification is extremely important! Especially in the winter months when we move less and sweat less, therefore eliminating toxins from the body less.

Currently, the 21-day cleansing diet is extremely popular, based on the natural healing properties of milk thistle, artichokes, and algae.

You can read more about milk thistle HERE. Although we know it as a weed, its healing properties have been valued by folk healers for more than 2000 years. The most important substance in milk thistle is silimarin, which is poorly water soluble.

There is a version of milk thistle in the form of oil, enriched with vitamin E and unsaturated fats. Both additionally protect cells from oxidative stress and the unwanted effects of free radicals. It is recommended to consume two teaspoons of oil, containing four times the recommended daily amount of vitamin E.

Artichokes have a positive effect on urine excretion, naturally support the functioning of bile and liver. They are often prescribed for treating bladder and bile problems and liver damage caused by various toxins, alcohol, or jaundice. They also lower high cholesterol levels in the blood and treat kidney diseases that result in the appearance of protein in the urine. Due to their cleansing properties and the energy they provide, artichokes are very important in recovery.

Most people forget that we must first heal the illness, then provide the body with enough time and energy to recover quickly. If we do not do this, chain diseases can occur. The most common are colds, runny nose, and prolonged coughing, indicating that the body lacks the strength to fully recover.

The third component of the detox package is spirulina algae, which have a high protein content and are very important for digestion support. It is crucial because spirulina proteins belong to essential amino acids that the body cannot produce and must be consumed through food. An important element is also gamma-linolenic acid, found among other places in breast milk.

Various studies have confirmed that regular consumption of spirulina is very important for people with a fast-paced life, for those who do not have time for regular eating. The detoxifying effects are very important, in addition, spirulina strengthens the immune system and regulates digestion.

Since January traditionally falls within the cleansing months (December holidays are always full of treats and forbidden drinks), consider how to naturally rid your body of toxins and at the same time take care of your immune system. It is very important to do this in the middle of winter so that you will enter spring healthy and full of energy.
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21-day cleansing diet
Detox diets
Milk thistle detox
Artichoke liver cleanse
Spirulina detox benefits

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