When the first study on the impact of nitrates on our health was conducted in California, USA, in 1980, the whole world was shocked. They proved that consuming 12 sausages per month increases the risk of developing leukemia and other forms of cancer by 9 times. Subsequent studies only confirmed the dangers of nitrites, which are found in absurd amounts in sausages and meat.
In 1987, the study was repeated in the hope that things had normalized. Nutritionists clearly stated that processed meat, sausages, and other meat products cause tumor growth, stomach cancer, intestinal cancer, and more. Instead of causing alarm, the meat industry became more profitable every year.
In 1994, a clear link was established between salt and cancer in children. Even in pregnant women, it was found that consuming processed meat and sausages doubles the risk of developing leukemia and brain tumors.
Today, we know that too much salt causes tumors and cancer in the bladder, colon, esophagus, stomach, harms the pancreas, and even hinders brain development. Nitrites are considered the most dangerous compounds, and the situation has become critical.
Today, nutritionists recommend that children should not consume more than 50 grams of sausages per week, and for adults, the limit is set at 100 grams.
You decide whether you will continue to eat processed meat products.