It’s a drink which you should drink an hour before lunch and dinner. The excess weight is going to drop in three days
- 12 grams of chia seeds (3 spoons)
- 2 dcl of cow milk, but if you have almond milk that’s even better.
- 1/2 of papaya
All of the ingredients should sit for 30 minutes. You should mix the drink occasionally.
It’s important that you use papaya which is the only fruit that contains the elements which are crucial for our body. That is why a lot of people usually state that papaya is the perfect fruit as its suits our body the best. Papaya contains papain, which is an enzyme that can dissolve protein and helps with the faster digestion of food.
Papaya helps to keep our body mucosa in great shape, it cleans the urinary tract and it builds muscle, helps with circulation and general well being.
Just so you don’t forget: Seeds from the Papaya are not edible.