Resisting sweets can be a test of strength and strong will. However, you will have to resist the body's needs a lot and strongly, which may not always be good. When you feel the need for sweets, your body is actually telling you that it needs magnesium. And now, in the winter months, this happens 40% more often than in summer.
To make matters worse, chocolate is very rich in magnesium, and it causes a variety of problems. Other sweets also contain a lot of magnesium, which the body needs, but they also contain very annoying, if not toxic substances. If you try to solve magnesium deficiency in this way, then all other sweet additives put a heavy strain on the heart, blood vessels, make us irritable, disturb sleep, and ultimately take away the little energy that we usually lack in such situations.
The body responds to this with increased blood pressure, higher heart rate, type 2 diabetes, and in extreme cases, even osteoporosis can develop from this.
We get more magnesium by eating cocoa (there's more in dark chocolate, much less in milk chocolate, and practically none in white chocolate) and/or nuts, seeds, beans, brown rice, dried fruit, and dark leafy green vegetables.
Magnesium strengthens the immune system, protects us from the flu and colds, which is especially important in times of a pandemic like covid-19.