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Datum: 24. DEC 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
How to get rid of the flu and cold in one day with cooked beer
Colds, coughing, sore throat... These are common companions of autumn and spring, but you can get rid of them with cooked beer
The common cold is the most widespread disease on the planet. Most people get it several times a year, while all other diseases combined do not come close to the common cold in terms of prevalence. The problem with the common cold is that it appears in various forms with different symptoms, making it difficult to treat.

However, in folk medicine, there is a simple and very effective recipe involving cooked beer.

You can use a can of beer (whether dark or light). Pour it into a container and place it on the stove. Heat it just below boiling (until warm), then remove it from the heat for 2 to 5 minutes to cool slightly (it should still be hot). Next, add 2 tablespoons of honey, a teaspoon of cinnamon, and a pinch of cloves to 1/2 liter of beer. Mix well and let it sit for 10 minutes.

Drink it before bedtime, taking small sips. It's important to drink it slowly.

The taste may be unusual, but the healing effects are incredible. This drink helps soothe throat inflammation, reduce coughing, and has exceptional anti-inflammatory properties. It promotes sweating, which helps the body cleanse and eliminate viruses. Most importantly, this drink strengthens the immune system, so it's recommended to have it occasionally as a preventive measure.

If you indulge in warm beer with honey quickly and frequently enough, you won't be bothered by the flu or cold this winter.
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Get rid of flu
Cooked beer remedy
Common cold treatment
Immune system boost
Natural cold remedy

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