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Datum: 21. DEC 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
What happens if you eat one pepper every day?
If you think that adding just one vegetable cannot work wonders, you are mistaken. Pepper is not an ordinary vegetable!
Pepper contains a huge amount of minerals and vitamins, its impact on the skin, digestion, internal organs, and immune system is invaluable. Here are just a few examples:

More iron and vitamin C
Pepper is an excellent source of iron and vitamin C. Both are in a form that the body absorbs more easily. Just one pepper is enough to make you feel less tired, with more energy and less out of breath. Low iron levels are also associated with restless leg syndrome, but if you eat pepper in combination with spinach or meat, its effects will at least double.

Fewer eye problems
Pepper contains a lot of vitamin A and carotenoids, especially lutein and zeaxanthin. They all help maintain eye health. They protect the retina from oxidative damage and even prevent eye diseases that result from aging (cataracts).

Less skin damage
Collagen helps keep the skin smooth, soft, and elastic. Lack of vitamin C can lead to bruises on the skin, and slower healing can prolong visible skin damage. The vitamins from just one pepper can correct all of this.

Less heart problems
Lycopene is one of the carotenoids that improve heart and blood vessel health and prevent strokes. Furthermore, lycopene helps regulate blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels.

Fewer vascular problems
Capsaicin is the active ingredient in pepper and has antioxidant, anticancer, and immunosuppressive properties that prevent the formation of varicose veins and other vascular problems.

Stronger bones
6% of the total pepper is manganese, which together with zinc and copper significantly improves bone health. In addition, large amounts of vitamins C and K prevent inflammatory effects and osteoporosis.

Improved digestion
Since pepper is an excellent source of dietary fiber, it helps regulate digestion and prevents gastrointestinal disorders. Since pepper is 90% water, this fact can also be utilized in weight loss diets.

Stronger immune system
Approximately 17% of the pepper is vitamin B6, which promotes antibody production, strengthens the immune system, and maintains health. Vitamin B6 prevents external infections and is mainly responsible for enhancing health in pepper.
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Pepper health benefits
Iron and vitamin C in pepper
Eye health and pepper
Collagen and vitamin C
Heart health and lycopene

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