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Datum: 20. DEC 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
What does sweat communicate about your body?
Sweating is not random, and sweat glands are an important element in our body. If you listen to the processes of sweating, it reveals many secrets to you.
Salty sweat The fact that sweat is salty is nothing unusual. Sweat is supposed to be salty. However, a problem arises when the sweat is too salty. This means that the glands are releasing too much sodium, consequently too many hormones, and especially too many minerals. You can recognize this when your eyes start to sting when sweat gets into them. Or if your wounds sting, you get red eyes... The issue that arises here is that the body loses too many electrolytes in this case, and you should replenish what is lost, especially with drinks containing sodium and potassium. This is also a sign to be cautious not to dehydrate because the minerals in your body are not balanced. Drink more!

Barely sweating Sweating in winter is different. In summer, the body cools down through sweating, while in winter it evenly distributes heat. Therefore, winter sweating is often more important and revealing. You should pay much more attention to it.

That being said, while summer sweating may indicate that your sweat glands are overactive and can lead to overheating, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke, winter sweating means that your glands are not working evenly, which can result in overheating in some areas and hypothermia in others. The problem is that we often do not notice this in time.

It's true that every organism is different, functions in its own way, so be careful of hypothermia!

Excessive sweating Excessive sweating in winter may mean that the body is working too hard on nightly cleansing. Most of the time, food is to blame for this (perhaps you ate too late the night before). A common cause can also be hormonal imbalance (in both men and women, especially during menopause). If you also feel pressure in the lungs and have difficulty breathing, seek help from a doctor. Such symptoms often occur if you have chosen a too aggressive weight loss diet...

Smelly sweat The fact is that sweat itself has no smell. However, if you still recognize the smell of your sweat, it is because bacteria mix with sweat, and this mostly happens when you are stressed. Also, consider that the smell is influenced by a whole range of factors from the environment, food, as well as medications. Generally, smelly sweating is a sign of a good cleansing process; just be mindful of what you eat.

Pregnancy sweats During pregnancy, women usually sweat more, and sometimes the body even changes its smell, mostly before you even realize you are pregnant. Science explains this by saying that the body is preparing for increased oxygen supply and is signaling to you that you need more food, more energy... From the smell itself, you can determine what your body is lacking.
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Salty sweat
Barely sweating
Excessive sweating
Smelly sweat
Pregnancy sweats

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