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Datum: 11. DEC 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
Juice that will protect you from colds and viruses
Purple vitamin bomb to boost the immune system
To prepare this drink, you need only 3 ingredients and 2 minutes of time. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, and will give you energy for your immune system to fight off any virus. Years ago in Sweden, a test was conducted and found that more than half of those who regularly drank this juice did not get sick with a cold or flu even once. Winter illnesses are much easier to prevent than to treat. Because once your immune system is compromised, it's much harder to recover and you risk catching a cold again in a month.

  • 1/4 small head of red cabbage
  • 1 fresh red beet
  • 4 oranges
  • 2 cups of water

Peel the oranges and red beet, if needed add a cup of water and blend well in a blender until you get a smooth mixture. Chop the cabbage into small pieces and slowly add it to the mixture. Finally, add the remaining water and blend well.

If you are drinking the juice preventively, one glass in the morning is enough. If you already feel a tickle in your throat or if you've already caught a cold, drink two to three glasses a day. But on the first day, drink only one glass to see how it affects you.

Red beet is a natural diuretic with mild laxative effects. It cleanses the kidneys, blood, liver, so be careful not to overdo it.

Along with oranges and red cabbage, which also have cleansing properties, this is definitely the healthiest drink this winter. In addition to a high amount of vitamin C, it also contains plenty of antioxidants, which in combination chase away melancholy.
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Immune system booster juice
Cold and flu prevention drink
Red cabbage and beet juice recipe
Antiviral juice recipe
Boost immune system naturally

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