If you are on a diet and carefully choosing your meals to not exceed the prescribed amount of calories, then you will almost certainly not consider avocado. In fact, 100 grams contain 670 calories, in addition, the fruit contains 14 grams of fat (recommended daily intake of fats is 23 grams) and 8.53 grams of carbohydrates. Although the healthiest fats in avocado are monounsaturated fats, you should not overdo it.
Nutritionists recommend not to give up avocado, but to add it to your salad, making it more filling and nutritious. Half an avocado per day is completely enough. When you are approaching the prescribed limit, replace avocado with cheese and turkey meat.
There are many other reasons why it is good for avocado to become your everyday companion. Just a few slices help improve eyesight. Avocado extract kills and stops the growth of precancerous cells. If you combine avocado and tomatoes, you will get 4 times more lycopene from tomatoes. Lycopene is the best remedy for cancer.