Many of you know that kefir is also called the elixir of youth and health, but if mixed with buckwheat porridge, then you get an extremely nutritious cleansing treat. Among other things, the drink lowers blood sugar levels, removes fats in blood vessels, and due to buckwheat, this juice is an excellent cleanser for the intestines, normalizes metabolism, increases hemoglobin levels in the blood ... The healing effects are numerous.
- 1 tablespoon buckwheat porridge
- 2 dl kefir (homemade kefir is ideal)
- 1 tablespoon honey to taste
Mix buckwheat and kefir in a glass jar and mix well. Store this mixture in the refrigerator overnight.
It is best to drink the glass (2 dl) on an empty stomach in the morning. It is very important not to eat anything for 3 hours after this drink, but you can drink water only (you can never have too much water).
In addition to the morning dosage, the evening one is also important. If you decide to drink this beverage in the evening, do so one hour before bedtime and make sure that for the next three hours the moon does not guide you to the refrigerator.
Consume this drink regularly for two weeks.