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Datum: 10. NOV 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
What does a change in color on your face mean?
Do you think people have slightly bluish, red, green, pale faces? What do the colors on our face reveal about our health?
The following explanation depends on the type of skin, complexion, level of physical activity, and a bunch of other factors, but at least it helps us roughly identify certain symptoms. General practitioners are especially trained to recognize these shades, but you can learn too.

1. Red: This is mostly a reaction to stress, anger, fear, or some other extreme emotional state. It can also be a result of food or drink we have consumed.

2. Orange: This color mostly appears in problems with the pancreas or spleen.

3. Yellow: A yellowish face is a subtle warning that something is wrong with your liver and gallbladder.

4. Green: Can occur as a result of digestive problems, too much medication consumption, urinary issues, but very often it is a sign of hypochromic anemia or iron deficiency in the blood.

5. Blue: Usually a sign of increased hemoglobin concentration in the body, meaning oxygen deficiency.

6. White: A pale face is a sign of thyroid gland weakness and inactive liver. It also indicates a weakened immune system, anemia, and often is a sign of kidney problems.
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Color change on face
Health indicators on face
Face color and health
Facial color and symptoms
Skin color and well-being

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