When you combine broccoli with lemon, the effect of both is several times higher. Just one spoonful a day can help to keep viruses at bay, make you feel better, and give you more energy.
Broccoli improves circulation, is good for vision, and has anticancer properties. It is rich in folic acid and regulates digestion. Due to its high fiber and water content, it creates a feeling of satiety, but the most important characteristic of broccoli is its cleansing and detoxifying effect on the body.
Lemon is definitely one of the most important fruits in the cold months, and when combined with broccoli, it is important to mix them in a 1:1 ratio. Just a few lemon slices (including the peel, so use organically grown organic lemons) and a few centimeters of broccoli stem are enough. Mix everything well in a blender to get a paste-like green substance. You can dilute it with water, but if you want to fully benefit from the power of the vegetables, we recommend combining it with apples, spinach, celery, and cucumbers.
Another tip: do not heat the drink. The colder it is, the better. Of course, in the middle of winter, it is not advisable to add too much ice, but you can safely store this mixture in the refrigerator for the day.
The next day, be sure to prepare a fresh concoction.