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Datum: 16. OCT 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
Foods That Will Save You from Bloating
We all feel bloated sometimes, and stomach bloating can be really painful. If this happens to you often, you need to change your eating habits.
Bloating is a sign that your body can’t digest certain types of food, and it tries to compensate in any way it can. That’s why it’s important to identify which foods are causing this reaction.

But food isn’t the only culprit. Bloating can also occur due to excessive sodium and sugar intake. Processed and fatty foods will almost certainly leave you feeling bloated. However, you can reduce this with the following foods:

Celery and Cucumbers
Celery and cucumbers help reduce the amount of water your body retains, they cleanse your system and promote digestion. They relieve tension in the intestines and are the best bloating preventers.

Although the second half of summer is the peak season for watermelons, it’s good to know they’re rich in water and electrolytes, which help speed up your metabolism, remove excess salt, and act as a mild diuretic, meaning they also have a cleansing effect. Fresh cabbage and dandelion greens share similar properties with watermelons.

Bananas and Melons
Bananas are packed with potassium, while melons contain both potassium and water. Potassium helps flush water out of the body, reducing bloating. Other foods that have a similar effect include kiwi, broccoli, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and more.

Strawberries and Berries
Raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Fiber is key to promoting digestion, cleaning out the system, and ensuring regular bowel movements. To boost the power of berries, the best combination is with Greek yogurt, which is rich in potassium and protein, or with oats, which are extremely high in fiber.

Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate has strong antioxidant properties that help reduce fluid retention. The chocolate should have at least 70% cocoa, and it's enough to eat 2 to 3 small squares a day. Any more than that can lead to weight gain.

Leafy Greens
Lettuce, kale, spinach, and other greens are rich in vitamins, minerals, and especially fiber, which greatly helps prevent bloating.

Boiled potatoes are an excellent source of potassium, and if you eat them with the skin, they’re also a great source of fiber. Potatoes also reduce bloating.

Nutrition experts claim that foods high in omega-3 fatty acids help reduce bloating and prevent water retention. Besides being rich in omega-3s, walnuts are also high in magnesium and calcium, which have a significant positive impact on overall well-being.

Brown Rice
Brown rice is rich in fiber, magnesium, and B vitamins, particularly B6. These components aid digestion, regulate bowel movements, and prevent water retention.
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