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Datum: 14. OCT 24 - INTERESTING
Four alarming signs your body is full of toxins
Toxins trapped in the body are often the source of illness, they slow down metabolism, and inhibit the function of internal organs. Don’t you think it's time to get rid of this junk?
No matter how hard we try, toxins are unavoidable because they are an inherent part of our food, even healthy food! Statistics show that up to 10 percent of toxic substances remain in our intestines, which we should eliminate. That's why doctors and nutritionists recommend doing a thorough body cleanse a few times a year.

The key question here is how often should you detox, and how do you recognize when your body is losing energy due to toxins? So, for starters, pay attention to these basic symptoms:

1. Frequent bathroom visits Frequent trips to the bathroom are almost certainly a sign that your body is full of toxins. How could it not be, since it's the most obvious way the body detoxes? All processes in the body are designed to cleanse it through urine and stool. You should be alert to toxins if you visit the bathroom and eliminate only small amounts of fluid. Besides a detox diet, try (read the article 10 foods for detoxification) to change your eating habits, at least for a while.

2. Bad breath The cause could be bacteria in the mouth or your stomach and liver's inability to process all the toxins. How to fix this problem? Relatively easy: take a sip or two of water every half hour. You can also chew parsley, which is not only a breath freshener but a diuretic, meaning it promotes water excretion and helps cleanse the body.

3. Certain smells bother you If a particular smell suddenly becomes very unpleasant for you when it wasn’t before, this is almost certainly a sign of serious toxin buildup, but you’re not aware of it yet. You’ll often notice this with perfumes, as well as smoke and other odors. Usually, this means something’s wrong with your liver. Unpleasant smells can also lead to headaches and could ruin your whole day.

4. You can’t lose excess weight Gaining weight despite dieting and regular exercise is also a common sign of toxin overload in the body. This usually happens due to poor diet, bad bloodwork (which is also diet-related), and of course, stress. If you find that you always lose weight while on vacation, even though you don’t feel like you're eating less, it’s almost certainly because you're under less stress. Very important advice: no overtime, and no working during evenings or weekends.

One more thing: while spring cleanses are well-known, fall detoxes are just as important—if not more! The truth is, we tend to indulge more in summer, eating and drinking things we wouldn’t touch in winter. Just think of industrially made ice cream. You think it’s toxin-free?

Oh, far from it ...
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