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Datum: 13. OCT 24 - INTERESTING
10 + 1 Nutritional Tips Exclusively for the "Wealthy"
We’ve gathered some tips that private nutritionists have advised their wealthy clients, which have come to light in various interviews ...
In the U.S., many wealthy individuals hire private nutritionists to guide them on food choices. Naturally, every nutritionist has a unique trick that sets them apart from the competition, and talkative celebrities are eager to reveal their dietary habits. While each trick may seem insignificant on its own, when viewed together, they paint a completely different picture. Trust me, it’s worth paying attention...

1. Skip the eggs for breakfast
Our bodies have trouble digesting egg whites in the morning, which often leads to sugar cravings later on. Instead, try moving omelets and all kinds of eggs to lunch time.

2. Don’t start your day with coffee, but with a glass of lemonade
Lemon is great for liver health, packed with beneficial enzymes and vitamin C, while hot water helps relax the colon and stimulates digestion. So: squeeze half a lemon into a glass of hot water first thing in the morning.

3. Prioritize vegetable smoothies
Vegetable smoothies are low in calories but give your body lots of energy. Fruit smoothies, on the other hand, are much like fruit juices, making you gain weight and feel bloated. While strawberries, blueberries, bananas, and other fruits are great for health, it’s better to enjoy them as an afternoon snack rather than for breakfast.

4. Watch your protein intake
Proteins are important for our bodies but they can overburden the liver and cause various diseases. Be cautious not to consume too much protein as it can also lead to weight gain. However, exact recommendations on how much protein you need vary greatly depending on who you ask. Fitness trainers might suggest anywhere from 0.8 to 4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, while more minimalist nutritionists recommend a maximum of 20 to 30 grams per meal. If you have a sedentary job and little physical activity, doctors advise 20 grams per meal + 30 to 40 grams after any physical activity, even a walk longer than 15 minutes.

5. Change your workout routine weekly
Repeating the same exercises isn’t bad. If you're trying to get rid of belly fat, do abdominal exercises for at least 15 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day, but not for more than 10 days. Muscles adapt to this rhythm over time, so the effects become less noticeable. Changing your workout and routine is necessary after that. Britney Spears, who was the first to mention these changes, says that after doing exercises for a slim figure, she always returns to the treadmill, which is good for the heart, circulation, and fitness.

6. Morning workouts are better than evening ones
People who exercise in the morning do it for health and beauty, while those who work out in the evening are just trying to "atone" for the indulgences they had throughout the day. Christina Aguilera believes that we should wind down and relax our bodies in the evening so it can regenerate peacefully and digest all the food we’ve eaten. It’s also important to avoid eating 3 hours before bedtime.

7. Forget about sports and energy drinks, as well as protein bars
All these supplements are loaded with sugar, sodium, even caffeine, and especially flavor enhancers, not to mention the questionable quality of ingredients used. Avoid industrially processed foods.

8. Plan your meals
You’ll save a lot of money, time, and effort if you plan your meals for the whole week in advance. Pay special attention to not mixing starch and protein days. You can also plan a "cheat" day (sweets, alcohol, fried foods). Naturally, a cleansing day should follow this... This way, you’ll find it easier to organize your daily tasks too.

9. Eat more fiber
Fiber slows down sugar absorption, and it’s recommended that women consume 25 grams of fiber a day, while men should aim for 38 grams. Aishwarya Rai managed to lose 25 kilos in a short time using this method. She cut out meat (but increased her fish intake) and began eating highly spiced foods (especially spices that burn fat).

10. Don’t rush out of bed
Getting out of bed should be a ritual. Lie on your back. Inhale and pull your stomach in strongly. Hold your breath for 5 to 10 seconds, then slowly exhale. Repeat this exercise 15 times. It will wake up your digestion and strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Bonus: Avoid low-fat foods
After the first Bridget Jones's Diary film, Ren{-15447}e Zellweger gained significant weight. She switched to the Atkins diet, limited her carbohydrate intake, and became more mindful of proteins and fibers. But the main difference was that Zellweger avoided low-fat products, as well as low-sugar ones. In fact, she didn’t eat anything that was missing something (like fat or sugar), as the body absorbs and digests these "mystery replacements" very differently.
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