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Datum: 9. OCT 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
The fastest fat burner and a health bomb
Mix a few teaspoons of healthy ingredients, and you’ll boost your immune system, improve digestion, and even lose a few kilograms.
For a healthy drink, you need a good base, and that’s definitely honey. If you add a bit of lemon, you’ll get a vitamin bomb that will kickstart your digestion. The key ingredient is apple cider vinegar, which will ensure fat starts to melt away. Finally, all you need is cinnamon, which has incredibly strong detoxifying and cleansing effects. If you know how to mix these ingredients in the right ratio, you'll get a mixture that’s second to none.

  • 1 tablespoon of cinnamon

  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 deciliter of lukewarm water
It’s important to use warm, almost hot water, so the honey melts more easily. Put all the ingredients into a glass and stir for at least half a minute to ensure they mix well.

This combination will accelerate fat burning, and your digestion will suddenly wake up. It’s also an effective remedy against diabetes and high blood pressure. Moreover, this mixture acts alkaline on the body and helps regulate the body's pH levels. It’s packed with vitamin C and is a highly effective agent against bacteria and harmful enzymes. It lowers blood pressure (each tablespoon of apple cider vinegar reduces blood pressure by 6%). Other ailments this drink can help with include sore throats, wound healing, heart health, skin care, and calming the nerves. Cinnamon is already well known as one of the best antioxidants in the world.

And the most important effect: This is undoubtedly the simplest, healthiest, and most effective drink for weight loss. Results, without giving up anything, will be visible in just a few days.

Drink in sips. From the quantities above, you’ll get 3 to 4 sips, which you should take before a meal.
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