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Datum: 6. OCT 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
Going to bed without dinner? Big mistake!
Everyone has gone to bed hungry at some point, thinking it's good for the figure and that everything will be made up for by morning. Experts say that's not true!
More and more nutritionists believe that we shouldn't go to bed hungry because the body needs energy. Instead of a heavy and calorie-packed dinner, they suggest a light and healthy meal that won't burden the stomach and is easily digestible.

Experts warn that a healthy dinner may not satisfy everyone, leaving them feeling hungry. If this happens to you, you're on the right track, as the body may take up to a week to adjust to a different way of digestion and breakdown. In the evening, we should mainly eat proteins, amino acids, and vitamins—basically, the building blocks that the body needs for regeneration. If you don’t consume these in sufficient amounts, you’ll wake up tired the next morning, and in the long term, this could even lead to diseases, some of which might be irreversible.

Experts caution that hunger during sleep causes the body to slow down metabolism and store food rather than using it. So, hunger at night often has the opposite effect than what we might want.

Among the most recommended foods for a light dinner are white meats like chicken, turkey, or fish. Eggs and nuts are also highly recommended. Be mindful of portions and don’t overdo it. Avoid sweet, salty, and spicy foods, fats, carbonated drinks, and of course, carbohydrates. Only complex carbs are allowed—foods that the body can't easily process, like whole grain products.

Lastly, here’s a tip: there’s nothing wrong with having 3 main meals and 3 snacks, as long as the last snack is light and healthy (no more than 5% of your recommended daily calorie intake). The most important rule is not to eat anything one hour before bed.
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