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Datum: 1. OCT 24 - INTERESTING
How to Make Homemade Yeast
Not every bread you bake at home is healthy bread. It’s only healthy if you use healthy ingredients, and that means you need healthy yeast, too.
It’s not that there’s anything inherently wrong with store-bought yeast, but most of it contains quite a few chemical additives to enhance its properties, especially to extend its shelf life. Homemade yeast is different. It might seem less potent, but at least you’ll know exactly what’s in it.


In general, you only need flour and water to make yeast. However, if you add fruit, you can speed up the fermentation process and get a slightly tangy flavor. Apples or grapes are the most suitable for homemade yeast. Here’s a recipe using apples.

The apple should be organically grown because you’ll need the peel as well. If you’re unsure about the cleanliness of the apple, soak it in apple cider vinegar for 10 minutes and then rinse it well under running water. Grate half of the apple, including the peel. Add 1/2 kilogram of strong flour and 350 milliliters of lukewarm water. Mix everything well and pour it into a glass container or bottle that you can seal tightly. It’s important that the bottle stays sealed during the fermentation process and remains undisturbed at room temperature.

After three days, you’ll see small bubbles forming, which is a sign that fermentation has started, and the mixture will begin to slowly rise. Remove half of this mixture and add 250 grams of strong flour and 170 milliliters of lukewarm water to the remaining portion. Mix well and leave it again at room temperature.

In a few days, you’ll notice bubbles forming in this mixture as well, which means the yeast is ready.

Never take out the entire mixture from the container. Always leave at least half, so the yeast-making process doesn’t stop. Homemade yeast is not only great for bread but can also be eaten raw, or you can use it to add a little sweetness to your daily diet. Yeast contains a lot of vitamin B1, helps cleanse the skin, and can assist with diets. Children under 12 should eat 1 to 2 teaspoons of homemade yeast every day.

Did you know that 1 teaspoon of yeast contains more vitamin C than lemon juice or apple cider vinegar? Yeast lowers blood pressure, helps with rheumatism, benefits diabetics, increases endurance and muscle strength, and also positively affects brain and nerve cells ...
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