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Datum: 23. SEP 24 - INTERESTING
Why overweight people should eat 3 grams of cumin per day
In Iran, they conducted an interesting experiment that revealed the amazing properties of cumin and yogurt.
At the Institute of Medical Sciences in Iran, they tested 88 overweight women. All were given 500 fewer calories than their ideal intake, but half of them were also given a cup of low-fat yogurt mixed with a spoonful of freshly ground cumin.

After just one week, the researchers were more than surprised. Even though all participants ate the same amount of food, those who received the yogurt lost weight three times faster than the others. Moreover, body fat percentage dropped by 14% (while it remained unchanged in the other group). Even their levels of bad cholesterol were cut in half compared to before the test. In addition to all this, the participants felt better overall, full of energy.

It's clear that cumin contains substances that positively impact our health. So, whenever possible, try to add as much cumin as you can to your meals.
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