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Datum: 17. SEP 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
The juice from one ingredient can cure 100 diseases
It’s a well-known weight loss remedy, often found on our tables, yet few remember to make juice out of it.
Cabbage has been used in medicine for centuries, and its healing properties are unmatched. It is so rich in antioxidants and minerals that we should eat it daily just for that reason. It contains large amounts of vitamins C and U (the latter being used as a naturopathic supplement to treat various health issues). Cabbage is especially recommended for people with anemia because it’s a natural antiseptic, which means it helps the body restore vital minerals and vitamins.

Cabbage has been proven to cure many minor ailments, including hangovers, alleviate chronic diseases, soothe coughs, and even prevent ear infections. It is a mild diuretic, meaning it acts as a natural laxative and is a highly effective body cleanser. It heals stomach ulcers and, thanks to its high sulfur, chlorine, and iodine content, effectively removes mucus from the digestive tract.

Cabbage has also been proven to be an incredibly effective remedy in preventing the formation of cancer cells and blocking the development of metastases. Most cases of cabbage-related cures have been observed in breast cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, and ovarian cancer. This healing power comes from a substance called sulforaphane, which protects cells from the invasion of carcinogens.

Cabbage also has another very special and useful property. It inhibits the conversion of sugar, which many people take advantage of in weight-loss diets.

How to make cabbage juice?

You can use a juicer or a blender. It’s important to soak the cabbage leaves in warm water mixed with a little apple cider vinegar for half an hour. The vinegar won’t just kill harmful bacteria on the leaves (even if the production is organic, the air, water, and soil can still be contaminated with pesticides), but it will also speed up digestion in your stomach and kickstart metabolic processes. Only in this way will the cleansing properties of the cabbage come to the forefront.
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