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Datum: 5. SEP 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
Have you ever thought that frozen foods might be healthier than fresh ones?
Did you know that frozen foods don’t need additives to make it to your table?
Frozen foods usually lose about 3 to 10 percent of their nutrients, but that’s nothing compared to fresh produce, which is often harvested too early and ripens on its way to the store.

So why are we telling you this now, when stores are packed with locally grown seasonal fruits and vegetables?

Because now is the perfect time to fill your freezer with some homemade, trusted produce...

1. Broccoli
Broccoli is rich in vitamins A and C, contains lots of fiber, and is often classified as a superfood. Many people don’t know that the nutritional value of broccoli decreases by 0.5 percent per hour when stored in the fridge or at room temperature! So, it’s crucial to freeze broccoli as soon as you pick it.

2. Carrots
Carrots become rubbery after just a few days in the fridge, and their beta carotene levels drop by nearly 5 percent per day. While such carrots are still good for your skin and eyesight, frozen carrots are much healthier.

3. Spinach
Spinach is also considered a superfood, but it’s a double-edged sword. Fresh spinach quickly loses its nutritional power. After a week at room temperature or in the fridge, its beneficial properties are nearly halved. Frozen spinach, however, retains its nutrients, so like broccoli, it’s best to freeze it as soon as possible.

4. Berries
Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, currants... All these fruits start losing their nutritional value just minutes after being picked. That’s why store-bought fresh berries are often lacking in nutrients, even during peak season. Research shows that frozen berries can have up to 20 percent more vitamin C than fresh ones bought in the store. So, if you’re picking berries yourself, freeze them as soon as possible.

5. Peas
Frozen peas are easy to prepare and healthier too.
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