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Datum: 3. SEP 24 - INTERESTING
Times of the Day When Hunger Cravings are the Worst
There are three periods of the day when we are mentally the weakest, and hunger is at its peak. How can you resist these temptations?
If you’re dieting or at least watching your figure, it’s good to know the most dangerous times when our willpower is the weakest, appetite is strongest, and the potential "damage" in the form of extra pounds is greatest. Appetite needs to go hand in hand with digestion. If digestion is at rest, then you could be on ten diets at once, and it still wouldn't help you.

Nutritionists have found that the most dangerous time of the day is 3 hours and 1 minute after waking up (based on your usual waking time). The next risky hunger attack can be expected 7 hours and 14 minutes after waking up. The last one you need to guard against comes 13 hours and 31 minutes later.

So, if you wake up at 8:00 a.m., be cautious during the following times:

  • 11:01 a.m. - This is why skipping breakfast is a big mistake. If you don't eat in the morning, you'll be extremely hungry by this time. Instead, make sure you have a hearty, varied, and nutritious breakfast, and at 11:00 a.m., just drink a glass of lukewarm water.
  • 3:14 p.m. - Stress is the main culprit that causes your self-control to slip. This is also the time when most employees reach for snacks, often sweet ones, which might give your body a quick energy boost but also pack on the extra pounds.
  • 9:31 p.m. - At this time, most people reach for fatty snacks (including nuts and seeds, though it’s usually chips and other salty treats). Instead, eat a banana and drink a glass of water an hour before.


This warning applies to sugary drinks, pastries, cakes... If you consume them at these times, their impact on your body will be doubled. This means you won't get any nutrition, but your weight will increase twice as much.

Check it out.

Times of the Day When Hunger Cravings are the Worst

Times of the Day When Hunger Cravings are the Worst
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